Opening Hours

Our Front Desk (located at John Storer House) opening times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 10.00am - 12.00pm | 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Wednesday | 2.00 - 4.00pm

Our Phonelines are operated during the following times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 9.30am - 12.30pm | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Wednesday | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Local Lifesaver

Street Homeless & Offenders

The Rough Sleeper Initiative (RSI) is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to support people who are rough sleeping. Any person who is rough sleeping can enter the Rough Sleepers Initiative, if they are in or returning to Leicestershire and Rutland.

Our Outreach Officers will aim to meet with the client as soon as possible, to complete an initial assessment.

Clients who are not owed a main duty by the Local Authority and have no other options in terms of accommodation will be supported through the pathway and referred into a short term accommodation project for up to 6 weeks. During this time, long-term accommodation options are explored around the county.

Rough Sleepers Initiative - Outreach

The Outreach Team are a dynamic and reactive team which supports, often vulnerable individuals with complex needs, in transitioning from rough sleeping to thriving in safe and secure housing. The support provided to clients is hugely varied and ranges from assisting clients to obtain essential items, for example, food or a sleeping bag, through to supporting them to set up payment plans with previous landlords to increasing an individual’s housing options, and many things in between.

The Rough Sleepers Initiative is set up to focus support upon those who are not owed a duty by the Local Authorities (whether this be because of not meeting the criteria to be deemed as priority need or other circumstances) but who are suffering homelessness, rough sleeping or of No Fixed Abode. There is a variety of reasons why a client may not be owed an accommodation duty. For example:

  • They may not be considered to meet the criteria for a priority need under homelessness legislation
  • They have become intentionally homeless from their last settled accommodation

We provide holistic support throughout a client's journey through the service, aiming to overcome barriers and address root causes that led to a client's homelessness.

what can we help with?
You can also self-refer to the Rough Sleepers Initiative.

During daily 6am Outreach sessions, individuals are identified, allowing intensive assessment and support work to be undertaken by the Outreach Team to break the cycle of rough sleeping.

Our holistic approach aims to improve each individual’s general wellbeing, and through regular outreach sessions and close liaison with other key partners, the Outreach Team support clients to access the necessary specialist services to meet their individual housing needs, by exploring temporary housing options, and providing advice and support to address any barriers that impact ones ability to access or sustain accommodation.

In fact, throughout their time with service, the support available is flexible depending on the individuals needs and their journey; individuals with low needs can receive light support, allowing them to maintain a higher level of independence, while individuals with complex needs can receive intensive support with more time spent working with their Outreach Officer. Sometimes lighter contact, like telephone support, is offered when clients are merely waiting for outcomes like Universal Credit.

how we can help?

Who is this service for?

Anyone aged over 18, living in (or returning to) Leicestershire or Rutland, who is also rough sleeping or experiencing homelessness.

Refer To Us

You can contact us via telephone or email, on 01509 260500 or [email protected]

Refer To Us

Scott's Story

“My Outreach Officer at The Bridge was able to support me. She dropped round food parcels when I needed them and referred me to other services like Turning Point."

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