Opening Hours

Our Front Desk (located at John Storer House) opening times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 10.00am - 12.00pm | 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Wednesday | 2.00 - 4.00pm

Our Phonelines are operated during the following times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 9.30am - 12.30pm | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Wednesday | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Local Lifesaver

Case Studies

View our latest case studies and client stories from The Bridge

Scott's Story

Scott's Story

“I was married for 20 years with four children, but it broke down. I was asked to leave mid-afternoon, with nowhere to go, so I went straight to the Council. There wasn’t much time left in the day.

“I was able to get some temporary accommodation in a hotel for five days before moving to another Bed & Breakfast.

“I was on anti-depressants; the dosage I was on made me higher-need and they were able to find me a property.

“When I moved into this flat, there was nothing here. It was lonely. It was bare floors, walls and no furniture. I had nothing and I was getting stressed because I’d always had my mother or my wife to sort out the bills before. I wasn’t used to it and I get agitated quickly.

“My Rapid Rehousing Support Worker at The Bridge was able to support me. She dropped round food parcels when I needed them and referred me to other services like Turning Point.

“She’s been fantastic in helping me organise the flooring laid and getting furniture like the fridge, cooker, a TV and sofa. Before, if I came home from work, I would just have to sit on the floor with nothing.”

Balancing bills and low-income, Scott used to have to borrow money to buy food throughout the month. When his Universal Credit came in, he would pay back his debts and be left short on rent.

“It was hard to manage. My Support Worker organised for my payments to go straight to my rent and the rest to me, so that there were never any mistakes.”

“When it first happened, I was unsettled. I had never been homeless before and moving from place to place was stressful, with one bag of clothes. I just wanted somewhere that I could settle into and have the children visit me.

“My emotions were sky-high all the time, missing my family, dealing with the stress.”

 “I wouldn’t have been able to make the transition without my Support Worker. There was no work available and I didn’t know about the organisations I could apply to, to help me. She supported me with all of those.”

The pandemic has currently stalled Scott’s employment, but he has some job opportunities lined up and is feeling more positive about the future.

“I can start to think about the future now. It was a difficult separation. I look forward to being able to start working again and move somewhere bigger so my children can come and stay with me.”

“To others who suffer a similar position, don’t stop your emotions. I never used to talk to anybody or feel weak in asking for support. But the more help you get, the easier it is and you can learn to keep going. I would definitely recommend the support of The Bridge.”

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