Sophie's Story
When things were difficult at home and consequently impacting her school work and relationships, Sophie was put in touch with the talk2sort mediation service. Sophie explained: “My relationship with Dad wasn’t good at the time. We were arguing a lot and I didn’t feel heard when I wanted to be alone. I just used to stay in bed and sleep all day and miss school”.
“My friends would ask me what was wrong, and I would take it out on them. So, I spoke to my school teacher about what was happening”. It was Sophie’s school teacher who knew about the talk2sort mediation service, and organised a session.
In their sessions, Sophie and her mediator spoke about how things were at home, and how this was different to how Sophie would like her relationship with her Dad to be. Together, they explored Sophie’s triggers, how this impacted her mood, and how to communicate this to her Dad. “We then stopped arguing, and Dad listened more, so we both didn’t get as stressed” Sophie explained.
Sophie’s mediator provided visual aids for Sophie to explore and recognise her feelings. “I found the ‘Blob Trees’ really helpful. They have people with different moods, and after every session you circle how you’re feeling about being at home”. Throughout their sessions, Sophie said the blobs she chose got more positive.
“Now there is less arguing at home, I am getting on with my Dad better. It feels a lot more positive and I’m less stressed so I pay attention at school”.
Sophie’s Dad also said that things have never been better between him and Sophie, as they’re identifying quality time opportunities together.
The teacher who put Sophie in touch with talk2sort also said Sophie seems in a good place right now. Looking to the future, Sophie said “My dad also says I’m creative, so I have chosen Media Studies and Art GCSEs next year. I’m looking forward to doing the things I enjoy.”
For requested privacy, this is not a photo of Sophie.
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