Opening Hours

Our Front Desk (located at John Storer House) opening times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 10.00am - 12.00pm | 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Wednesday | 2.00 - 4.00pm

Our Phonelines are operated during the following times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 9.30am - 12.30pm | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Wednesday | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Local Lifesaver

Case Studies

View our latest case studies and client stories from The Bridge

Lydia's Story

Lydia's Story

“Before I started with the YES Project, I was lonely. It’s helped me meet new people and talk to others. I was doing Learning and Confidence at the Library, who suggested YES to me.

“It’s helped massively with my confidence, although we are still working on it now.

“I do sessions like cooking and meditation on Zoom, getting to know people and learning skills I can use in day-to-day life. I’d recommend those to anybody, as it helps with anxiety too. In fact, there have been a lot of sessions that have helped me with my anxiety.

“My Support Worker also helped me a lot with social media, making sure I was safe online and had the correct privacy settings to protect myself. Before, I was getting unsolicited messages from people; I'm in full control of my privacy settings now.”

Lydia was out of education and employment when she came to the YES Project. She added:

“I have goals that we’re working towards now and I feel better about the future. I’d love to go into Animal Care, so we are looking at volunteering and opportunities for me to get experience, which will be great.

"I am a lot more positive about moving forward with my life now."

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