Opening Hours

Our Front Desk (located at John Storer House) opening times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 10.00am - 12.00pm | 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Wednesday | 2.00 - 4.00pm

Our Phonelines are operated during the following times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday | 9.30am - 12.30pm | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Wednesday | 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Local Lifesaver

Case Studies

View our latest case studies and client stories from The Bridge

Jordan's Story

Jordan's Story

When Jordan was first referred to the YES Project, he was not in education, training or employment.

With the help of YES Intensive Young Person’s Support Workers at The Bridge, he has been looking at various volunteering opportunities, community involvement, improving this financial situation and building confidence. He said:

“I started with the YES Project back in early 2020, and they’ve helped me with a lot of different things. One of the main problems was with my bank account, which was closed as I was a victim of fraud.

“My Support Worker has done a lot to help me in contacting the banks and trying to set up a new account, which has made it a lot easier than doing it alone.”

Because Jordan had no active bank account, he was unable to apply for things like Universal Credit; with his Support Worker, he will take these steps to become more financially stable.

“They’ve also helped me a lot in getting involved with the community again. I want to go into some volunteering opportunities.”

The YES Project are able to offer clients involvement in a wide range of courses and opportunities, like online cooking courses, The Princes Trust or, in Jordan’s case, the Leicester Street Soccer Foundation.

The aim is to improve overall wellbeing, confidence and help young people overcome barriers to work, education or training. Jordan added:

“Starting football again has been really good, because it’s getting me used to going out more again and really helping me with confidence. My Support Worker helped me get signed up.

Confidence building is a main aim for Jordan, as he has had negative experiences when out in the community. He added:

“My advice to anyone else in a similar situation to me is to reach out. The YES Project can help you and you just have to get involved.”

“I feel more positive about the future now and I’m looking forward to getting involved with more football and volunteering opportunities.”

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